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      Metal Marking

      Metal Marking



      1. Mechanical Engraving: Utilizes a rotating cutting tool to carve designs or text into metal, offering precision and durability for permanent markings.

      2. Laser Engraving: Uses high-powered lasers to etch or engrave designs onto metal surfaces with precision, allowing for intricate and detailed markings.

      Printing and Coating

      1. Inkjet Printing: Applies ink directly onto metal surfaces, allowing for full-color designs, graphics, or labels, suitable for less durable applications.

      2. Powder Coating: Utilizes electrostatically charged powder to create a protective layer on metal, enabling color customization and durable markings.

      Stamping and Embossing

      1. Metal Stamping: Presses or stamps designs into metal, creating raised or indented impressions, commonly used for serial numbers or logos.

      2. Embossing: Raises designs or patterns on metal surfaces, providing a three-dimensional and decorative effect for aesthetic purposes.

      Etching and Chemical Processes

      1. Chemical Etching: Uses chemicals or acids to remove layers from metal surfaces, creating designs or text with high precision and depth.

      2. Electrochemical Marking: Applies an electric current and chemical solution to create marks on metal, ensuring accuracy and permanence in markings.

      Stamping and Embossing

      1. Metal Stamping: Presses or stamps designs into metal, creating raised or indented impressions, commonly used for serial numbers or logos.

      2. Embossing: Raises designs or patterns on metal surfaces, providing a three-dimensional and decorative effect for aesthetic purposes.

      Heat Treatment and Annealing

      1. Laser Annealing: Uses lasers to alter the surface color of metals without compromising structural integrity, creating contrast for text or designs.

      2. Heat Stamping: Applies heat to create colored markings or patterns by altering the metal’s surface through oxidation or heat-induced changes.


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